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Spouse of Christ forever

Spouse of Christ forever

First of all we would like to thank God for His great goodness towards each one of us on the day of our “Yes forever”.
The joy we shared with our family and with our Religious family was indeed great.
Thank you so much for all the resources we have received for our growth from our religious Family during the preparation.
Thanks a lot for the gift of the Sisters of Providence.
Thanks to all the sisters in different parts of the world for the unity of prayer and for having welcomed us forever as members of this wonderful Family.

Thanks to each one of you.
We humbly ask you to accompany us with your prayers so that we may be able to live everyday as true daughters of Fr. Luigi in the availability to the Will of God.

sr. Cecilia Bu Mi, sr. Elizabetha Be Ta, sr. Maria Assunta, sr. Maria Ne Co, sr. Monica MayThu

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san luigi scrosoppi

san luigi scrosoppi