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January 15: Festival of Rosa Mystica

January 15: Festival of Rosa Mystica

According to the history of the time, we know that on January 15, 1737, and then for several days, the statue of "Maria Rosa Mystica sweated and prodigiously moved her eyes".
The voice of the prodigy and of the graces obtained by the people who addressed her in their needs, immediately spread around, attracting at the feet of the Virgin an uninterrupted flow of faithful from various locations in Friuli. It continued more than a century, while the statue received a particular location in the Church of St. Catherine, later called "Santuario Rosa Mistica", which was restored and embellished over time, until it assumed its current appearance.

The Sisters of Providence in January 23, 1866, came to Cormones accompanied by their founder St. Luigi Scrosoppi.
The chronicles affirms that on January 15, 1890 the first feast of Rosa Mystica had been celebrated accompanied by a tridum of prayers, preaching and administration of the sacrament of confession. The chronicles says “we all were happy to see the beautiful feast and the great demonstrations of affection which the Cormonesi testify to Rosa Mystica.
The same chronicles of 1892 underlines the feast of Rosa Mystica as a precious occasion to foster in the faithful the devotion to Mary and for a spiritual renewal, also through the tridum of preaching and availability for confessions.

The same chronicle states: "Also this year the Cormonesi were distinguished by piety and devotion and were also generous with candles, because the altar of the prodigious effigy seemed dressed in the sun, so many were the lights that embellished it!"                                  

In 1898 it is stated that there were so many people so that the Sisters were busy to call priests for confessions, "in our Church there were six confessors and seven in the Duomo".The previous year, as the immediate result of the tridum in which the preacher had strongly recommended participation in the Sacraments, especially to men and young people, the priests"hadto hear confessions until midnight on Saturday and, if there were as many confessors, they all would have done it “.

Over time the tridum was extended to embrace six days and then eightas itis in current situation, thus becoming the "Octave of the Mystical Rose".Even today this period is expected and attended by the faithful of the parishes of the DeaneryofCormònsand other neighbors, each of which is organized with moments of prayer, confessions and Eucharistic celebrations.

Even our Community, gathered at the feet of Maria Rosa Mistica during the entire Octave, reserves the time of prayer in which the community entrusts to the Blessed Virgin the needs of the religious Family, of the Church, of benefactors, of the people who recommend themselves to our prayers and of the whole world.

With the words of a song composed in honor of Rosa Mistica by the Friulian composer NarcisoMiniussi, we all turn to Maria:

In the great garden created by God
themost beautiful flower, Maria, it's you.
You are Mystical Rose, which spreads over the world
sweetscent of excellent virtue.
Oh! Mystical Rose, clementintercede
forus sinners You with the Lord.
Listen to the pleas of supplications, o Mother,
of thechildren who afflicted, turn to You.

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san luigi scrosoppi

san luigi scrosoppi