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Friulian saint after 1200 years

St. Luigi Scrosoppi is the first Friulan saint in 1200 years; the last was the holy Patriarch Paulinus of Aquileia, who died in 802. St. Luigi is also the first saint of the Oratorian Family, after St. Philip Neri. The founder of the Sisters of Providence, Luigi Scrosoppi, lived through 1800 as the protagonist.

Born in Udine in 1804, third among the three living brothers, Luigi was the third priest of the family. Carlo, the first-born of mother Antonia Lazzarini’s first marriage with Francesco Filaferro, became a priest of the Philipinerian Order and died in exile in Klagenfurt. Giovanni Battista, born from the marriage with Domenico Scrosoppi, a goldsmith of Udine, also joined the seminary and became a diocesan priest. Luigi followed the footsteps of the brothers and joined the seminary in Udine, did his studies well, with great diligence, taking advantage of the academic possibilities and excellent teachers. He was ordained a priest in the Cathedral of Udine on 31 March 1827.

From the start he celebrated Mass and preached in the church of St. Mary Magdalene, attached to the Philipinerian Oratory of his brother Carlo. His first sermon was on humility, the second on the mercy of God, the third, on the entry of righteous souls into heaven.

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Father Luigi Scrosoppi

Luigi Scrosoppi was born on 4 August 1804 in Udine, a city of Friuli, in north-east Italy. He grew up in a family environment full of faith and Christian charity. At the age of twelve he began preparing for the priesthood, joining the diocesan seminary in Udine and was ordained a priest in 1827, flanked by his both priest brothers, Carlo and Giovanni Battista.

The extremely poor background of Friuli in 1800, devastated by famine, wars and epidemics was like an appeal for Padre Luigi to take care of the weak. He devoted himself, with other priests and a group of young teachers, to providing hospitality and education to the "destitute", the lonely and the abandoned girls of Udine and its surrounding places. He made available to them his wealth, his energy, his affection; he did not set aside anything for himself, and when the need became more pressing, he went begging. He trusted in the help of the people and above all in the Lord. In fact, his life is a tangible sign of great trust in the divine Providence.

He thus wrote about the work of charity in which he was involved: "The Providence of God, that prepares the souls and turns the hearts in favour of her works, was the only source of this Institute... that loving Providence, never leaves in confusion those who trust in her”. He didn't spare any opportunity to instil this confidence in the inmates and the young women dedicated to their education. They were called "teachers" because they were not only skilled in tailoring and embroidery but also were able to teach "reading, writing and to be worthwhile," as the saying went. They were women of different age and backgrounds, and in each of them gradually got matured the decision to place their lives in the hands of the Lord and consecrate themselves to him, serving him in “the family of destitute”.

In the evening of 1 February 1837, the nine women, as a sign of final decision, placed in common their "jewels" and chose to live in poverty and total self-offering. It was in this simplicity that the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence was born, the religious Family founded by Padre Luigi. Others got added to the first teachers. There were rich and poor, educated and illiterate, noble and those of humble origin: in the house of Providence there was room for all and all became sisters.

The founder encouraged them to make sacrifices and exhorted them to take care of the girls affectionately, considering them as the "apple of their eyes."

In the meantime, Luigi matured the need for a total consecration to the Lord. He was fascinated by the ideal of poverty and universal brotherhood of Francis of Assisi, but the events of life and history led him on the footsteps of St. Philip Neri, the saint of joy and freedom, the saint of prayer, humility and charity. The Oratorian vocation of Luigi took place in 1846, at a mature age of 42; he became a son of St. Philip: he learnt from him meekness and sweetness that would help him to be even more apt for the task of founder and father of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence.

Deeply respectful and attentive to the human and spiritual growth of the Sisters, he neither spared assistance nor advice, nor exhortations. He closely examined their vocation, put to test their faith so that they became strong. He was not soft when found signs of vanity, the desire for external appearance; he was strict when saw attitudes of hypocrisy and superficiality. But knew to use paternal tenderness in moments of fragility and when there was need for understanding, support and comfort.

In Padre Luigi gradually took shape the essential features of a spiritual life centred on Jesus Christ: loved and imitated in the humility and poverty of his incarnation in Bethlehem, in the simple and industrious life at Nazareth, in the complete sacrifice on the cross on Calvary and in the silence of the Eucharist. Because, Jesus said: "Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did it for me" (Mt 25, 40), it is to them that Padre Luigi dedicated the daily life with real commitment to seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness (cf. Mt 6, 33) certain that all the rest will be given, according to the promise of the Gospel.

All the works he launched during his life reflect this preferential option for the poor, the least and the abandoned. He had prophesied: “I will open twelve houses before my death," and so he did. In those houses, the Sisters of Providence dedicated themselves with humble, creative and joyful service towards the youth in danger, the poor, the neglected sick and the abandoned elderly people.

Moreover, so deeply motivated in doing good, Padre Luigi was not concerned only of his works, in which the Sisters collaborated with generous and willing people who gave them a hand, but offered enthusiastically spiritual and financial support to the initiatives taken by other people of good will in Udine. He supported all the activities of the Church and had a particular preference for the seminarians of Udine, especially the poorest.

The unification of Italy began to take place, region by region, in the second half of 1800. The political and military proceedings of this unification marked a difficult period, especially for Udine and the whole of Friuli, being a borderland and place of easy passage between the North and the South Europe, between the East and the West.

Unfortunately, one of the consequences of the unification, in itself anticlerical, is the decree of suppression of the "House of Destitute" and the Congregation of the Oratorian Fathers of Udine. It marked for Padre Luigi a tough time to save the works in favour of the "destitute", where he succeeded, but he could not do anything to prevent the suppression of the Oratorian Congregation. Thus, the sad political situation succeeded in destroying the material structures of the Oratorian Congregation in Udine but it could not prevent Padre Luigi from remaining a faithful disciple of St. Philip forever.

By then old, with his usual spirit of openness, he realized that the time had come to hand over the leadership to the Sisters and he did it with serenity and hope. However, he maintained correspondence with every Sister, which helped strengthen the bonds of affection and love; in his fatherly concern, he never got tired of exhorting fellowship and trust.

Through his deep communion with God and long years of experience, Padre Luigi gained wisdom and rare spiritual insight that enabled him to read the hearts; sometimes he also showed the ability to know secret inner conditions and made them known only to the person concerned.

Towards the end of 1883, he was forced to suspend all the activities as his strength began to decline and was constantly tormented by a high fever. The illness progressed inexorably. He would exhort the Sisters not to be afraid of anything, "as it is God who raised and made grow the religious family, He would be the one to make it progress further."

When he felt that the end was close, he wanted to greet everyone; he addressed his last words to the Sisters: "After my death your congregation will have many tribulations, but having them overcome it will be reborn to a new life. Charity, charity! This is the spirit of your religious Family: to save souls and to save them with Charity."

His final union with Jesus took place on Thursday night, 3 April 1884. The whole Udine and the people of neighbouring places rushed to see him for the last time and ask for his protection from heaven.

He was canonized by Pope John Paul II on 10 June 2001. In the Roman Martyrology his memoria is on 3 April. The Diocese of Udine and the Congregation founded by him celebrate his feast on 5 October.

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The spiritual life

The spiritual life of Padre Luigi was deep and nourished by simple and essential elements. His theological vision made reference to the theology of kenosis, incarnation of the Son of God, his humiliation and his sacrifice on the cross. He did all he could to live his life based on this truth of faith; he practised humility to the highest degree, being the first to give example, trying to empty himself in everything, giving up all his property, even his clothes. At the end of his life he placed himself under the spiritual guidance of a Sister, asking her to help him win even the last resistance, one that seemed to him a dangerous temptation: the spiritual pride of considering himself a founder.

He wanted to imitate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by giving his entire life to his neighbour, keeping nothing for himself, mortifying himself constantly till the end. He wanted to become a "copy of Jesus"; he had a great love for the humanity of the Son of God, he felt a strong thirst for God that could be satisfied only in the Eucharist.

He did not disregard the practice of some popular religiosity; one of them was the Communion of Saints, then there was his devotion to an array of saints: from the Blessed Virgin to St. Joseph, St. Luigi to St. Philip Neri, from St. Francis to St. Cajetan of Thiene, to the three saintly Mary’s of the Gospel. His whole life had been like an Oratory shared with all the saints, whose presence he felt as though real.

He has not left writings of great theological value but there are a few personal notes and above all there are numerous letters he wrote to his Sisters encouraging them and guiding their spiritual journey; he instilled in them the depth of his Christian and priestly life. We can perceive in them the essence of his apostolic zeal.

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Padre Luis Scrosoppi

Luis Scrosoppi nace el 4 de agosto de 1804 en Udine, ciudad del Friuli situada en el norte de Italia. Crece en un ambiente familiar rico en fe y caridad cristiana. A los doce años de edad toma la senda hacia el sacerdocio en el seminario diocesano de Udine y en 1827 es ordenado sacerdote; junto a él estaban sus hermanos Carlos y Juan Bautista, también ellos sacerdotes. El ambiente muy empobrecido del Friuli del ‘800, sumido en una gran carestía, guerras y epidemias, es para el Padre Luis un llamado a prestar atención a los más débiles: se dedica, junto con otros sacerdotes y un grupo de jóvenes maestras, a acoger y educar a las “derelitte”, las chicas más solas y abandonadas de Udine y sus alrededores. Puso a disposición de ellas todos sus bienes, todas sus energías y afecto; no escatima absolutamente nada de sí, y cuando las necesidades se hacen más apremiantes sale a pedir limosna; él confía en la ayuda de la gente y, sobre todo, confía en el Señor.

Su vida es una manifestación palpable de una ilimitada confianza en la Providencia divina.

Así escribe a propósito de la obra de caridad en la que él estaba comprometido: “La Providencia de Dios. que dispone los sentimientos y doblega los corazones para ponerlos a disposición de sus obras, fue la única fuente que ha garantizado la existencia de este Instituto… esa amorosa Providencia que no permite que quede confundido quien espera en ella”. No pierde ninguna oportunidad para infundir esta confianza y seguridad en las niñas acogidas y en las jóvenes mujeres que había decidido comprometerse en su educación. A estas se las llama “maestras” porque tienen mucha habilidad para trabajos de costura y bordados, pero están también capacitadas para la enseñanza de la escritura, la lectura y para hacer cuentas”, como se solía decir. Son mujeres de edades y proveniencias diferentes y en cada una de ellas va madurando la decisión de poner sus vidas en las manos del Señor y de consagrarse a él, para servirle en la familia de las “derelitte”,

La noche del 1º de febrero de 1837 la nueve mujeres, como expresión de su decisión definitiva, se quitaron los “oros” y eligieron vivir en la pobreza y en la entrega total de sí. Y es esta la sencillez en la que nace la Congregación de las Hermanas de la Providencia, la familia religiosa fundada por el Padre Luis. A las primeras maestras se les unieron otras. Habían entre ellas ricas y pobres, cultas y analfabetas, nobles y también de origen humilde: en la casa de la Providencia hay lugar para todas y todas se convierten en Hermanas.

El Fundador las predispone al sacrificio y las exhorta a ser afectuosas en el cuidado de las niñas, que deben ser consideradas como “las niñas de sus ojos”.

Mientras tanto, en Luis va madurando la necesidad de una consagración más plena al Señor. Está fascinado por el ideal de la pobreza y de la fraternidad universal de Francisco de Asís, pero los acontecimientos de la vida y de la historia lo llevarán más bien sobre las huelas de San Felipe Neri, el cantor de la alegría y de la libertad, el santo de la oración, de la humildad y de la caridad. La vocación “oratoriana” de Luis se realiza en 1846 y en la madurez de sus 42 años, se hace hijo de San Felipe Neri; de él aprende la mansedumbre y la dulzura que le ayudarán a ser más idóneo para cumplir su rol de fundador y padre de la Congregación de las Hermanas de la Providencia.

Profundamente respetuoso y atento ante el crecimiento humano de las Hermanas y de su camino de santidad, no economiza ni ayudas, ni consejos ni exhortaciones. Él observa atentamente su vocación y pone a prueba su fe a fin de que se hagan más fuertes. No se muestra nada blando frente a la vanidad, al deseo de aparentar, y es severo cuando percibe actitudes de hipocresía y de superficialidad. ¡Pero qué ternura de padre sabe demostrar frente a la fragilidad y a la necesidad de comprensión, de apoyo y de consuelo!

Lentamente se van delineando en el Padre Luis los lineamientos fundamentales de una vida espiritual centrada en Jesucristo, amado e imitado en la humildad y pobreza de su Encarnación en Belén, en la sencillez de su vida de trabajo en Nazareth, en la completa inmolación en la cruz en el Calvario, en el silencio de la Eucaristía. Y puesto que Jesús dijo: “Cualquier cosa que hayan hecho por uno de mis hermanos más pequeños, por mí lo hicieron”, y Padre Luis por ellos entrega su vida diaria, con el compromiso concreto de “buscar primero el reino de Dios y su justicia”, con la seguridad de que todo lo demás se le irá dando por añadidura, según la promesa evangélica.

Todas las obras que él realizó durante toda su vida reflejan esa su opción preferencial por los más pobres, por los últimos, por los abandonados. “Doce casas -había profetizado- abriré antes de morir”. Y así fue. Doce obras en las que las Hermanas de la Providencia se dedican en un servicio humilde, emprendedor y gozoso a favor de las jóvenes para que después ellas puedan valerse por sí mismas, a los enfermos pobres y olvidados, a los ancianos abandonados.

Sin embargo, profundamente interesado como estaba en hacer el bien, el Padre Luis no se ocupa sólo en sus obras, en las qhe las Hermanas colaboran con personas generosas y dispuestas a darles una mano. Ofrece con entusiasmo su apoyo espiritual y económico también a iniciativas que otras personas de buena voluntad habían emprendido en Udine; apoya toda actividad de la Iglesia y tiene una especial predilección por los jóvenes del seminario de Udine, especialmente a los más pobres de ellos.

En la segunda mitad de los ‘800 Italia se va unificando región por región. Las controversias políticas y militares de esta unificación representan un período particularmente difícil tanto parta Udine como para el Friuli en general, por ser territorio limítrofe y lugar de fácil contacto entre el norte y el sur, este y oeste de Europa.

Una de las consecuencias de esta unificación, que tuvo lugar por desgracia en un clima anticlerical, fue decreto de supresión de la “Casa delle Derelitte” y de la Congregación de los Padres del Oratorio de Udine.

Para el Padre Luis comenzaba una dura lucha con la finalidad de rescatar las obras a favor de las “derelitte”, y lo consigue, pero nada pudo hacer para impedir la supresión de la Congregación del Oratorio.

La triste situación política logró casi destruir las estructuras materiales de la Congregación del Oratorio de Udine, pero no pudo impedir que el Padre Luis permaneciera para siempre fiel discípulo de San Felipe.

Siendo ya anciano, con su habitual apertura de espíritu, comprendió que había llegado el momento de quitar sus manos del timón y lo cedió a las Hermanas con serenidad y esperanza. Pero mantiene con todas una relación epistolar que contribuye a fortalecer los vínculos de afecto y de caridad y, en su paternal solicitud, jamás se cansa de recomendar el espíritu de fraternidad y de confianza,

A través de su profunda comunión con Dios y merced a los largos años de experiencia, el Padre Luis había adquirido sabiduría e intuición espiritual no muy comunes que le permiten leer los corazones; a veces demostraba también que conocía situaciones interiores secretas y hechos que solamente conocía la persona interesada.

A finales del año 1883 se ve obligado a suspender toda actividad; comenzaban a faltarle las fuerzas y estaba atormentado por una fiebre constantemente alta. La enfermedad iba avanzando inexorablemente. Recomendaba a las Hermanas que no tengan ningún temor, “porque es Dios que hace que la familia religiosa naciera y creciera, será Él quien hará que siga avanzando”.

Cuando sintió que estaba llegando su fin, quiso despedirse de todos. Luego dirigió sus últimas palabras a las Hermanas: “Después de mi muerte, su Congregación tendrá que atravesar por muchas tribulaciones pero después renacerá a una vida nueva. ¡Caridad! ¡Caridad! Ese es el espíritu de su familia religiosa: Salvar las almas y salvarlas con la caridad”.

La noche del jueves 3 de abril de 1884 tuvo lugar el encuentro definitivo con Jesús. Toda la ciudad de Udine y la gente de los poblados circunvecinos acudieron para verlo por última vez y para pedirle la protección del cielo.

Fue canonizado por San Juan Pablo II el 10 de junio de 2001.

En el martirologio Romano en día de su recordación es el 3 de abril. La diócesis de Udine y la Congregación por él fundada lo celebran el 5 de octubre.

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san luigi scrosoppi

san luigi scrosoppi