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The Thoughts

The Thoughts


The Heart of Jesus constantly tells you: love me and let me love!

Let God alone be in your mind and heart, every day, from morning to night.

A soul that loves Jesus Christ does not allow itself be stricken nor won by any difficulty,
because love is always strong as death,
fights with it (death) and does not allow itself to be won.

We are created to be transformed in God
We are created to love God
We are created to possess God

Let uslove God, because with love we will possess Him!

If our ultimate aim is to know God, doesn't that also mean to love Him?
For it is impossible to have experience of beautyand not to love it.

God loves us. God is willing to love us forever,
no matter how much we are unworthy of his love.

Your heartis not yours, God demands it!

Love draws to itself all the virtues and it does not make you feel the pains of life.

Let the rising of the sun find us with works of the love of God and at sunset closely united with Him.

To make up for the times we did not love God, let us enhance the acts of love toward Him.

Goddid not wait forour lovebutanticipated it.

Do we want to be sure of the love of Jesus?
Let us raise our eyes and see him hanging on the cross.

Let us grow fervent in the love of the Lord, having always the crucifix before our eyes.

A soul that loves God does not want anything other than to sacrifice itself for Him and every pain is home to her.


Charity, charity with all: do not forget that you are Sisters for the exercise of charity.

Charity is the queen seated on the throne of humility,
all other virtues are like many handmaids by her side.

My daughters, let us respond evil with good.
That is what Jesus Christ has taught us; if we want to imitate him.

My daughters, let your eyes, your hearts be simple,
righteous and be nourished always with honey.

The first and foremost of your duties is to love affectionately the sick,
recognizing in them the suffering Saviour Jesus Christ.

Let your charity be a true copy of the charity exercised by our Heavenly Father.

Do not be like the milestones that show others the way while they remain static,
rather try every day to progress in virtue.

Do everything and only for the Lord, serving Him earnestly and humbly in these poor patients.
Take pleasure in serving your divine Spouse in the person of these sick and you will have a paradise in advance.

Dearest daughter, look after these young girls always
as though they are handed over to you by your divine Spouse
and consider them as an apple of your eye.

Let go of our comforts and let us sacrifice willingly to be in harmony with our holy vocation,
which is the glory of God alone and the sanctification of souls.

I entrust you to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
in whom we want to find ourselves often.


Abandon yourself to the Providence with great faith.

To die, yes; to offend the Lord with distrust, no, no, no!

Trust in God and totally surrender yourself to Him who is our Father.

The Lord helps and never abandons the one who puts his trust in Him.

Let us love the will of God and we will become great saints.

Have always your divine Spouse before your eyes.
I leave you secure in the Sacred Hearts of our Beloveds.

May the Lord continue to bless you and give you the grace of holy perseverance.

Be happyin the Lord andfear nothing.

The Lord can do everything and when he wants something from us,
also gives us the means to achieve it.

We are always united with our good Lord and we will be happy in every place and with any work.

Take everything from the hands of the Lord because He does everything for our good.

May the Lord bless you and you trust in Him, who, himself is charity.
Let us trust in the Lord and with confidence, let us imitate our saintly father, Cajetan,
let us honour him in a way most dear to him.

In your great and many occupations think that you are not alone
but you are with your divine Spouse.


Let everythingbe holyin usfrom morningto night.

The Lord loves you so much, He wants you for himself; he wants you holy.

I leave you in the companyofyour Jesus.

We have just one affair to deal with every day and that is our sanctification.

Take things as they come from the Lord, for our sanctification.

The virtues cannot be practised unless there are opportunities to exercise them.

I remind you to be aware of the presence of the Lord and during the day often do some acts of love towards Him.

My daughters, be the little ones, because when you are lowly,
Jesus gets close to you with greater affection.
Jesus is consoled my little, little daughters!

Look for the last place, daughters, because there you will find Jesus.
He alone be the witness of your sacrifices.

The crosses produce marvellous fruits and it is an honour to be crucified with Jesus and for Jesus.

May the Lord bless and give you the happiness that makes you enjoy a paradise in advance here on earth.

Let your dealing with all be humble, sweet and respectful.

Humility is the foundation of Christian perfection.


Thought of God, heartfor God, hand forGod!

Paradise, paradise... only up above we will find everything and we shall love the Lord forever.

Try to walk always in the presence of your divine Spouse and do everything that is pleasing to him.

Let the Lord work in us! Let us totally abandon ourselves to Him!

Let us pray and be resigned to whatever the Lord is pleased to provide us with.

Let us place ourselves as instruments in the hands of the divine Providence who may make use of us for its greater glory.

Abandon yourself to the divine will and you will have peace of mind and nothing will disturb you.

Pray for the light to discern well the will of God.

Let the Lord make of me what he wishes, I ask for nothing but that his will be done.

The proof ofloving Godis tosuffer for the love of him.

The Lord allows everything for our good and he wants us to draw good even from evil for his greater glory.


Giving you the holy blessing, entrust you to the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Keep your eyes always on Our Lady
and in her honour do acts that are in perfect consonance with her divine Son.
Run to Mary, our Mother, with great trust in all your needs.
In your spiritual needs have always St. Joseph as your teacher

Continue to trust in St. Joseph who will not fail to protect you in your every need.
Have trust in our divine Mother and in our beloved father, St Joseph.

I'll remember you on the altar every day.

See the Heart of Jesus opened, which
invites you to enter it, where you will find light and heavenly consolation.
I see that the Lord loves you very much,
giving you many opportunities to store treasure for the eternal life.
Great humility and charity, great gentleness in every meeting and everything will be fine.

May the good Lord grant you every happiness as Christmas and New Year are approaching.
As the Easter celebrations near, I wish you happy and full of choicest consolations in the Lord.
The coming of Jesus Christ is a proof of God’s profound love for us.

Always take care of these children as the apple of your eyes.

May your eyes be simple, upright and always nourished with Honey!

Let us live the New Year as though it is the last of our lives.

God loves us. God is willing to love us forever, however we are unworthy of his love.

Be zealous for the glory of God and for the honour of the Heart of Jesus

I leave youall in the Most SacredHearts of Our Beloveds.




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