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Exemplary death of a Saint

Exemplary death of a Saint

The death of PadreLuigi was indeed exemplary. He wanted to become a copy of Christ; his final illness was a sort of Calvary, made of physical and moral sufferings, which he faced with a spirit of complete surrender to God.

He prepared himself with a "novitiate for heaven" under the direction of Sr. Agostina, who was asked to accuse him of the defects and faults, as well as, to impose on him harsh and humiliating penance. In order to overcome her reluctance, the saint fell himself on his knees, imploring her in the virtue of holy obedience to be his novice mistress: "Let's help each other to become saints", he encouraged her.

The illness and the risk of death did not stop himeven when his doctor pressed him to take bed rest: he had too many "works needing urgent attention” to give importance “to a silly sickness like this", he explained. He was suffering from pemphigus, a serious form of purulent dermatitis; "it is thus pleased to our good Father in heaven, so it must to us", or in times of great suffering: "bonum mihi, Domine, quia humiliasti me" (for my good, Lord, you have humbled me), he would say.

The mother superiors of the houses, in turn, visited his bedside, which became his last chair (teaching place) of holiness. To each one, without failing, his farewell greeting was: "See you in heaven." Then, one night, St. Ann, St. Martha and his three women Saints (Mary Magdalene, Mary of Cleophas and Mary Salome) appeared to him: "I have always venerated them – he confessed to mother Cecilia, the mother General – they have come tonight to inform me" .

Before his death he wanted to greet everyone, even the mason, the gardener, the labourer, he embraced them all. Finally, a last prophecy for his Sisters: "The congregation will go through tribulations, but then, everything will be fine. I must leave for the greater good of the community." It was on 3 April 1884, towards late morning, Padre Luigi joined the company of the saints in heaven.

His funeral was attended by a multitude of people. According to his will, his mortal remains were taken to the house at Orzano, which he had bought to ensure vegetables and food supplies to the House of Providence in Udine. A farm-house that he visited frequently and considered as an oasis of peace where one could finally rest.

The urn, with his remains, was transferred to Udine on 23 April 1952 to the church of St. Cajetan, in the house of Providence, the mother house of the Sisters of Providence.

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