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  • MARCH 19, 2022

    The religious Family of the Sisters of Providence is celebrating on this day because it celebrates SAINT JOSEPH as its spiritual guide and entrusts itself to him with great love and confidence. Also because thre are new young girls begin or continue their path of formation in religious life.

    In Lome, Togo, two novices, Sister Solange Nikuze and Sister Florence Amoussou made their First Profession, committing themselves, for a year, to live in poverty, chastity and obedience.

    In Yangon, Myanmar, three postulants, Cecilia Ya Aye, Giovanna Su Su Chit and Rose Mary Kit Mu began their Novitiate.

    Also in Yangon, four aspirants, Agnese Ngai Mu, Benedetta Amplate, Cecilia Ling Awi and Maddalena Mar Dar began the first formative period which is the Postulancy.

    Let us pray for each of these sisters, invoking on their journey the blessing of the Virgin Mary, Rosa Mystica and Mother of Providence, and the intercession of our Father St. Luigi.

  • Rome, 2 January 2022 - 22 January Lomé (Togo)
    These two dates mark the day of theperpetual profession ofSister LEONARDA (in Rome) and ofSister PAULINE,Sister FRANCOISE andSister FLORENCE (in Togo).
    Their 'yes' to the Lord, which began in the early years of formation, is now pronounced before the Church and welcomed by the religious Family in which they are fully hinged: thus it has received the sealFOREVER, as a faithful response to the fidelity of God.
    For Sister Leonarda, the distance from her homeland, Bolivia, was made up for by the affection of so many sisters, as well as by the great honor of having His Eminence, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, as the main celebrant.
    As is customary, Sister Florence, Sister Françoise and Sister Pauline, during the ceremony, each manifested to the assembly their commitment to follow the Lord through symbols: the ash to express the fragility of the creature placed in the hands of God, the lamp as an expression of the love that must enlighten the brothers and sisters even from afar, the clay pot which, in the hands of the great Potter, lets itself be modeled according to His project.
    We invoke abundant blessings from the Lord on each of these four newly professed sisters.
    We wish them that the feast they lived, with so many other sisters and with the joyful participation of the people, be a pledge of a long journey of charity, holiness, fraternity.
    May the enthusiasm of self giving to the Bridegroom Jesus remain in their hearts and may they be bearers of goodness and serenity wherever the Lord calls them to serve Him in their brothers and sisters.

    On 15 August 2021, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is marked byentrance to novitiate of five postulants, Bernice, Clémentine, Charlotte, Félicia and Thérèse.
    During the short ceremony, a sign that distinguishes this stage of the formative journey was given to them: the crucifix. It is an invitation to conform to the Word of Jesus who asks to always follow Him, even when it can cost sacrifice, and it can only be done with love, as He did. The words of the Father also resounded in the hearts of the five new novices. St. Luigi who urges them to make their love grow for the Lord, by fixing their gaze on the Crucifix.

    On 22 August 2021, three young aspirants, Aubine, Nina and Olga, began the first stage of their formation, the postulancy.
    This is the stage in which one learns to become a disciple. A disciple is the one who listens to the Master, lets himself be instructed and guided by him; he learns to know his Master better and to love him. For the journey of Aubine, Nina and Olga, the most suitable tool that helps them to become good disciples of Christ is the Word of God that was given to them, together with a medal of Mary, the disciple par excellence, to guide them to his Son Jesus.

    On 11 September 2021 was the day of the first profession of Sister Marie Christine and of Sister Marie Sosthène Sévérine.
    The ceremony began the previous evening with a vigil that emphasizes the importance of the event: offering of life to the Lord by professing the three vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, before the Church.

    On the day of the first profession our tradition of choosing a 'religious surname' that is both an expression of the spiritual experience lived and an orientation for life in the following of Christ, is significant. Sister Marie Christine chose to call herself 'of the love of the Good Shepherd' and Sister Marie Sosthène Sévérine 'of the Divine Will'.
    The two newly professed sisters were given the Rule of Life, the text on which they will be called to model their life of fraternity and mission, and the religious habit, a sign of belonging to the religious family.

    To the five postulants, Bernice, Clémentine, Charlotte, Félicia and Thérèse, to the three novices, Aubine, Nina and Olga, and to the two newly professed, Sister Marie Christine and Sister Marie Sosthène Sévérine, we wish that they may grow with joy in love of the Lord and in fidelity to His call.

  • "Get out of your land and go where I will show you...". These are the words of a song that for years accompanied the missionary mandate of priests and sisters who left their homeland to go on missions in another country.
    And this is what we have experienced in recent days, almost simultaneously, in Rome, Lomé and Cochabamba.
    Yes, because Sister Delia Breton and Sister Prisca Polo, both nurse-sisters just over forty, left the general house in Rome on August 16 and 17 for their new missionary destination: Sister Delia, a Bolivian, is the new gift for the mission in Togo and Sister Prisca, from Togo, is for the mission in Bolivia.
    This is the fruit of the path of internationality that the religious Family has been carrying out for some time. Several sisters, in fact, have already lived their service of charity for years in a geographical and cultural context, different from that of origin, precisely by virtue of one mission to which we are all called with religious profession, but it is the first time that a Bolivian sister goes to Togo and a Togolese sister goes to Bolivia and it is the first time that this exchange takes place in same days.
    In the attached photos we can see, in addition to the greeting of departure, the festive welcome reserved for the two sisters, a tangible sign of joy and fraternity; Sister Delia and Sister Prisca are clearly recognizable, one among the African faces and the other among the Bolivian faces.

    Now that we know they have happily reached their destination, we leave them, as Father Luigi wrote at the end of his letters, 'in the Most Holy Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph', begging them to bless, guide and guard them.