First national meeting of the Providence Familiy

Laity and young people together from 6 to 8 July 2018

From the moment the news of the 1st National Meeting of the Family of Providence was announced, youth and lay people from different communities began to prepare intensely: El Alto, Cochabamba and San Carlos, were ready for the meeting. The theme was on faith and vocational discernment and strongly strengthen the integration and unity of the youth and lay people on their journey towards the national meeting according to the charism of Fr. Luigi.

The theme was dealt by Fr. Enrique Pusarico, a diocesan priest, who with much encouragement began to talk about faith and vocational discernment. Those were very illuminating moments in which all the participants showed great interest. Surely it was an enriching discourse not only for the knowledge of each participant, but also for the spiritual life of each one. Especially when we work in a group, we share our life experiences and know better our brothers and sisters and of different communities.

The lives of our saints, St. Cajetan, St. Philip Neri, St. Joseph, and our father St. Luigi, were presented and shared, in different ways namely; stage performance, through videos, drawings and discussions:, and these saints accompanied us throughout our meeting. The moment of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, accompanied by the images of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Luigi, highlighted the hunger for meditation and thirst for God, and also the celebration of the holy Eucharist in which all lived profoundly the encounter with God.

They were very happy to have another national meeting of the Family of Providence. Together, as a family, always guided by the light of Christ and accompanied by Mary Mother of Providence, follow the footsteps of St. Luigi and continue to discover ourselves, accompanied by faith in our vocation.

With great joy, we express our happiness, we thank the community of El Alto and the Sisters of Providence for the organization of such a beautiful meeting experience. We thank God for allowing us to share, moments of joy and to keep alive the spirit of unity as the Family of Providence.

Together, without looking at where we come from, without looking at sex or age, we feel that we are called to weave a great bond of fellowship among our communities, we went from being unknown to being friends without realizing it, becoming a family, "Big Providence Family " .

Thank you Lord, for your great love with which you have accompanied us.                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                        Community of El Alto
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