A happy announcement...

On 5 October, while the Church and our religious Family celebrate the sanctity of our beloved father Luigi, we, the sisters of the province of San Gaetano, had the joy of celebrating the first profession of four sisters: Sr. Epiphanie Baba, Sr. Marie - Reine Kakaoura, Sr. Epiphanie- Reine Kpade and Sr. Benjamine Tchadi. Their "Yes", with full of enthusiasm, filled us with joy and hope in seeing how the sanctity of Father Luigi continues to attract young women in following the chaste, poor and obedient Christ.
Since the tradition in Africa is that every important event is preceded by a vigil, so too, on the eve of the consecration, the sisters of the three Togolese communities, gathered around the four novices. Those moments spent in prayers, singing and sharing the journey made, were intense moments of gratitude and new impetus to follow Jesus in the Family of Father Luigi. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist, in the presence of 10 priests and with the participation of our sisters' family members, friends and acquaintances, was the highlight of the celebration. In the homily, the priest, inspired by the words of Pope Francis for the extraordinary missionary month "baptized and sent", recalled the apostolic legacy of Father Luigi and the sisters who preceded us and invited the newly professed and all those who were present there, to follow their example and not to give in to the modern temptation of the so-called "chronic fatigue", but let ourselves be infected by the sanctity and apostolic zeal of Father Luigi.
Then, in simplicity and joy, the celebration continued with the sharing of lunch and again with songs and dances! We sincerely thank the sisters of the various parts of the world for the prayers and manifestations of affection received in these days and we pray that the Lord will give each one, the graces necessary to live one’s own vocation in fidelity and charity.

‘Scrosoppi’ Fund: solidarity bond

The Archdiocese of Gorizia, together with other entities in the area, has promoted the "Scrosoppi Fund", a tool to deal with the heavy economic and financial consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of many people.

The purpose is to support in particular those who, in the territory of the Archdiocese, are no longer able to live a dignified life and unable to manage their families; it supports and integrates charity initiatives of local ecclesial communities and does not replace existing and public and private initiatives and interventions.

The initial endowment of the Fund consists of 180 thousand Euros and it will be increased by the donations of those who want to share this experience of solidarity with the Diocesan Church.

The Fund is placed significantly under the protection of St. Luigi Scrosoppi, our Founder, who made his whole life a clear expression of the preferential choice of the poor, the least and the abandoned.

Today, Father Luigi continues to show everyone the way of God's love and effective compassion for his brothers and sisters and with his blessing he accompanies all those who open themselves to charity.

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